I should add that while his lizardman counterpart Oxyotl has a crap campaign, his limited teleportation mechanic and new units like the Skink Oracle, a magical hero riding a mighty troglodon, are welcome additions. He brings with him some great units like the beastly Doombull Lord, and the absolutely grotesque Jabberslythe, a slimy, venomous toad-monster. He's also a bull made out of living bronze, which is very cool. Destruction is his deal, and he's very good at it. If you want total war in Total War, this is the fella you'll want to play with.

The new beastmen leader, Taurox, is blessed with one of the game's best campaigns, bolstered by a dizzying momentum. But it still belongs in this tier because the beastmen are back, baby. Warhammer's scaliest warriors have had lots of DLC, and none of it great, and The Silence & The Fury continues this tradition. It revitalises a race that has long been ignored-in this case the beastmen-taking them from garbage to one of the best, and it makes fans of the lizardmen sad. Creative Assembly's latest expansion is the quintessential Warhammer 2 DLC.