If the rocket launchers, planes, and explosives already available in Grand Theft Auto V aren’t enough for you, consider installing Iron Man Mark 50. Headshots will instantly send a person to the ground like a ragdoll, and civilians will react to nearby explosions by covering their heads. With the Euphoria Ragdoll Overhaul mod, the ragdoll physics in the game are improved significantly, with characters behaving more realistically after they’re damaged and before collapsing to the ground.

Sometimes, you don’t need a fancy armor suit or a new mission to get the most out of Grand Theft Auto V. Though you won’t be able to play an actual battle royale match against other people, the proof-of-concept offered in Complex Control has us hoping for a full-on battle royale mode in the next Grand Theft Auto game. Grand Theft Auto V might be the most successful video game of all time, but Epic Games’ Fortnite is the biggest game in the world at the moment, so it only makes sense to combine the two! The Complex Control mod is a single-player “royale-lite” that spawns your character in a random location on the game’s enormous map, and you win if you’re able to stay in the last designated zone for four seconds. This mod also gives you access to a feature-rich trainer that can turn you into a virtual god. Script Hook V makes the game’s scripts available to others, and so is a requirement for some GTA 5 mods (often, they’ll bundle the scripthook. If you’re going to download any mods, download this first.